You did Something Wrong??

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

As you can see. 70% an relationship is broke because a mistake. in this posting I'm gonna tell you about " How ",why, and "what". I would tell it more but because time is money and I don't master in english language. I can't give you more.. Sorry T.T
1. How you did something wrong? this posting . I'm think this is the main problems that cause a relationship become wrong :
a. said a wrong words.
b. misunderstanding
c. can't control your emotion
d. you dissapoint someone
e. lack of communication
f. problem still unsolved
g. lack a attention
h. your behavior change quickly
i. to jealous
j. lie, lie, and more lie
k. to fanatic

Why ???
if you said a wrong words, just figure this; maybe you can say " shit " to some of your friend. but some of your friend does'nt want you to say it. maybe it's because his/her culture
if misunderstanding, it's because you say a wrong word. that make him/her confuse. now that the start of this problem. believe me
if you can't control your emotion, just be learn how to patiente. that the key to control your emotion.
if you dissapointing someone, maybe because you don't give a right promise. if you make a promise. you must guaranted 100% that you can fulfill the promise you give to her/him.
if lack of communication, because you no longer talk to her/him anymore. maybe because you don't have a time or busy. try to make a space between your busy time and a social time.
if your problem still unsolved, because you don't ask for help to her/him. just trying to ask for help if you have a problem.
if lack of attention, because you don't care anymore. start to care to all your friend
if your behavior is change quickly, maybe because you follow a behavior that few people like it but everyone hate it. that behavior came form many media especialy form TV. just think about this ; want to be accepted by your all friend or few friend?.
if you to jealous, because you jealous. always think about your self. I said this personaly to you. I hate people that so jealous. the people who don't like to take a risk to help his/her friend. the people always like to see his/her friend suffering by problem. and you know I hate it right?? so do you?
if you lie, it's many question "why do you lie". but many people lie because they don't get troubled. but they don't know lie always discover in othertime. believe me. this myth is real.
if you to fanatic. maybe you to fanatic to someone. In this situation. I would like to ask to you." why you like him/her?, why don't like to your self". just believe that you better than anyone.

what is the solution??
1. start to ask for help form your friend. that might be the solution to solve a problem.
2. start to change your bad behavior by learn good behavior.
3. start to learn your friends cultures.
4. just believe your self.

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